Entrepreneurship – Transfer Options

Articulation Agreements

Articulation Agreements are formal agreements between two or more Colleges and Universities documenting the transfer policies for a specific academic program or degree. Jackson College has articulation agreements in accounting with the following colleges and universities.

  • Entrepreneurship – Eastern Michigan University

    Entrepreneurship Associate in Applied Science degree at Jackson College to a Bachelor of Business Administration with any Business major at Eastern Michigan University.

    JC students who complete an associate degree, complete the courses outline in the guidesheet with a grade of ‘C’ or better, and satisfy EMU’s admissions requirements will be accepted into the articulation agreement.

    Under this agreement, EMU will waive the 60-credit hour rule and require that a minimum of 45 credits be completed in courses offered by EMU. This allows students to complete more than 60 credit hours at JC, and have those hours applied toward their bachelor’s degree.

    Students with a community college GPA of 2.5 or higher, who have completed the EMU pre-admission business foundation courses (with exception of IS 215 and DS 265 or DS 251) will receive conditional admission to the College of Business at EMU.

    Articulation Effective Dates: September 1, 2021 – August 31, 2023

    General Education/MTA Requirements
    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    ANT 131 Cultural Anthropology 3 ENG 085*

    Cultural anthropology is a one semester introductory course. The course focuses on the thesis that every society is based on an integrated culture, which satisfies human needs and facilitates survival. The course also explores the ways in which our own culture fits into the broad range of human possibilities.

    COM 240 Interpersonal Communication 3 ENG 085, ENG 091

    (FORMERLY SPH 240) Students will learn to improve communication in one-on-one and small group situations. In this course, students will examine basic verbal and non-verbal elements affecting communication between individuals in family, peer group and work contexts. Specific units of discussion include intrapersonal perspective, conflict resolution, self-disclosure, message generation, intercultural messages and non-verbal communication.

    ECN 231 Macroeconomics 3 ENG 101* and MAT 135 (Preferred), MAT 133 or MAT 139 Accepted

    This course covers macroeconomics and explains the operation of free markets, the role of government in the economy, measurement of the national product, inflation and unemployment, monetary and fiscal policy, and economic growth.

    ENG 131 Writing Experience I 3 ENG 085 and ENG 091

    This is an intensive writing course. Narrative and descriptive modes are stressed. Basic research strategies are introduced. An end-of-the-semester portfolio is required.

    ENG 249 African-American Literature 3 ENG 085* and ENG 131
    GEL 109 Earth Science 4 ENG 085*, ENG 090* and MAT 033* or higher

    This course serves as a foundation for the Earth sciences and Earth science majors. Emphasis is placed on laboratory experience and class discussions to reinforce scientific principles. Earth science case studies are covered in detail. In laboratory, the students will learn how to apply basic scientific principles through active learning and application. This course has a laboratory component.

    HUM 131 Cultural Connections 3 ENG 085 and ENG 091

    This interdisciplinary course examines contemporary issues, their human and technological components, and their historical precedents through art, music, literature and philosophy.

    MAT 133 Introduction to Probability & Statistics 4 MAT 033* or MAT 131 or higher

    This course is an introduction to experimental design, data representation, basic descriptive statistics, probability theorems, frequency distributions and functions, binomial and normal probability distributions and functions, probability density functions, hypothesis testing, statistical inference, Chi-square analysis, linear regression, correlation and application of the above in making informed, data driven decisions in real-world contests. Both graphing calculators and computer-based statistical software will be used. If the prerequisite is more than two years old, then the mathematics department recommends the course placement exam be taken or the prerequisite be retaken to ensure the success of the student.

    NSC 131 Contemporary Science 4 ENG 090* and MAT 020* or higher

    An interdisciplinary course that introduces the nature of science as a process. Particular topics from biology, chemistry, physics, geology and astronomy covered with an emphasis on critical thinking and evaluating evidence to examine competing theories. This course is ideal as a first science course for students whose science background is minimal, who are anxious about science, or who have not had a science course for several years. Course includes a laboratory component.

    PLS 262 International Relations 3 ENG 085* and ENG 090*

    Survey contemporary world affairs and examine the nation-state system, the struggle for power, and factors creating harmony and hostility among states.

    SEM 140 Seminar in Life Pathways 3

    Seminar in Life Pathways is a gateway course to Jackson College. This course is designed to help all students develop the skills, inner qualities and external behaviors needed to take charge of their academic and career success. Students will be guided through an extensive process in making career choices and selecting an academic program of study at Jackson College and beyond. With the exception of second-admit programs, SEM 140 is required of all students.

    JC Degree Requirements
    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    ACC 131 Introductory Accounting for Non-Majors 4

    This course is designed for the business professional who must have an understanding of financial and managerial accounting as it is used in decision making. This course is not for transfer students seeking a bachelor’s degree or for accounting majors. Learn about annual reports, financial statements, balance sheet accounts and accounting transactions. Focus on how accounting information is used in decision making and not the mechanics behind that accounting information. This is an introductory accounting course required in some program areas. Students should consider their academic program and select either ACC 131 or ACC 231 for their first accounting course.

    BUA 121 Leadership 3 CIS 095*, ENG 085* and ENG 090*

    Both knowledge and behavior contribute to effective leadership skills needed to enhance the contribution of your team. Students explore topics including shared vision and values, team building, and decision making. You will study leadership theory in ways that encourage development of your leadership skills, including effective use of power and influence, motivational tools, personality assessment, team communication, role modeling, and performance appraisals.

    BUA 250 Business Law I 3 CIS 095*, ENG 085* and ENG 090*

    This course offers an introduction to law and the legal system, dispute resolution and courts, business ethics, torts, contracts, sales and leases of goods, and negotiable instruments.

    CIS 101 Introduction to Computer Systems 3 CIS 095*, ENG 085*, ENG 090* and MAT 020* or higher

    Enhance computer knowledge. Course covers computer system concepts with an emphasis on several software applications. Typing ability necessary to be successful in this class.

    CIS 133 Brand Identity Design 1 ENG 085*

    This course introduces students to common contemporary practices of corporate brand identity design. Review and discussion of brand-building concepts are researched and analyzed.

    ENT 101 Entrepreneurship: Creating Your Own Job 3 CIS 095*, ENG 085* and ENG 090*

    There will be only one constant throughout your career, and that constant is change. The preferences of consumers are constantly changing, entire industries are rising and falling, and hard-working people often are finding themselves looking for a job. This course provides you with the foundation to design your own job, whether in the context of an existing organization (i.e., as an “intrapreneur”) or as someone who starts a new enterprise (i.e., as an “entrepreneur”). In this course you will learn more about your own strengths and weaknesses, as well as the key characteristics shared by successful entrepreneurs. You’ll also gain skills for matching your strengths with a business idea that fits you well, so that both you and your customers will benefit. Finally, you will begin developing analytical tools to help make sound decisions in a rapidly-changing world.

    ENT 102 Entrepreneurial Marketing: Finding Your Niche 3 CIS 095, ENG 085, ENG 090.

    Organizations grow by serving the needs of customers. These needs are frequently changing; at times even the customers themselves don’t accurately express what they need. The key to entrepreneurial success is identifying the underlying needs of specific niches within the changing marketplace and then devising a plan which matches your driving passion and unique capabilities with the specific needs you have identified. This process is entrepreneurial marketing. In this course you will work with market research tools and develop analytical processes for identifying the needs of target customers, and you will produce marketing plans designed to capitalize on your unique advantages in order to delight customers. Simultaneously, you will begin developing a brand identity intended to become the preferred choice among your target customers.

    ENT 169 Business Plan 3 ENT 101

    The student will be able to evaluate their business concept and write a sound business plan for their entrepreneurial venture. In the process of doing so, the student will be able to assess the strengths and weaknesses of a business concept; collect and organize market research data into a marketing plan; and prepare the financial projects for their business venture. In addition, students will be able to identify and evaluate various resources available for funding the entrepreneurial venture. To be successful in this course, basic computer skills are required.

    ENT 245 Internship/Externship 3 Instructor Permission Required

    The student will have meaningful work experience with an appropriate organization and/or a trip exploring entrepreneurship in another county.  The internship and/or trip must be approved by the supervising faculty member.

    STM 101 Introduction to Sustainability 3 CIS 095, ENG 085, ENG 091

    Students will familiarize themselves with the environmental issues facing our community, state, country and planet. This course will provide meaning to the term “sustainability” in order to build skills that will help the leaders of tomorrow protect the earth’s resources and meet the needs of humanity indefinitely. It is an introduction to both the scientific and social sides of the environmental problems the world faces, with a specific aim at establishing a foundation in environmental comprehension and for further learning within the topic of sustainability.

    *You may choose to take ACC 131 and ACC 231 simultaneously to fulfill EMU & JC requirement.

    JC Electives & EMU Degree Requirements

    If not taken at JC, must be completed at EMU:

    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    ACC 231 Principles of Accounting I 4 ENG 085*, ENG 090*, MAT 033* or higher and CIS 101 or CIS 121 $787.20

    This course is an introductory course in Financial Accounting. Learn the theory and practice of recording financial accounting data and preparation of financial statements in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) with an emphasis on corporations. Current software and online applications will be utilized.

    BUA 100 Contemporary Business 3 CIS 095*, ENG 085* and ENG 090*

    This course offers students an overview of today’s modern business and the concepts required for managers and leaders to promote the success of today’s dynamic workplace. Concepts include the economic environment, business ventures, management, leadership, human resource management, marketing, business law, and finance. This course will offer each student the opportunity to explore their new skills as they identify their own business ideas.

    ECN 232 Microeconomics 3 ENG 101* and MAT 135 (Preferred), MAT 133 or MAT 139 Accepted

    This course covers microeconomics: the market structure of firms operating in competition and monopoly, labor markets and unions, how income is distributed, current economic problems, international economics, and alternative economic systems.

    ENG 232 Technical & Business Writing 3 ENG 131

    A course designed to provide practice in a variety of written and oral communications to meet the requirements of the workplace. Projects may include descriptions, instructions, résumés, proposals, reports or online documents. It involves frequent writing, both in and out of class, as well as oral presentations, collaborative activities and individual conferences.